Example overview

The tutorial examples expect that you have some familiarity with using deal.II. If that is not the case we recommend doing the tutorial examples step-1, step-2, and step-3 first. If any tutorials require knowledge about some concepts of deal.II, we will link to the respective tutorial steps in their introduction.

Tutorials listed by number (chronological)

Tutorial overview by number

step-1: Heat equation

This step serves as an introduction to tensor-product space-time finite elements and the basic structure of the library. It is recommended to know the deal.II tutorial examples listed above

step-2: Stokes equation

This step discusses the handling of coupled problems with vector-valued components. It also explains how time-dependent nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions are set in ideal.II.

We recommend to know the deal.II tutorial step-22 which solves the stationary version of the Stokes equation.

step-3: Heat equation with Trilinos+MPI distributed linear algebra

This step shows how to parallelize your ideal.II code (step-1), especially the handling of the indices for distributed degrees of freedom. Additionally, we vary the support points for the temporal discontinuous Galerkin elements and the changes needed to arrive at a correct result again. To compare these support point choices we calculate the space-time \(L^2\)-error for various refinement levels and finite element degrees.

We recommend familiarity with an MPI parallel deal.II tutorial, e.g. step-40 <https://dealii.org/current/doxygen/deal.II/step_40.html>.

step-4: Navier-Stokes equation with distributed linear algebra

This step extends step-2 by making it parallel and handling the nonlinear convection term added by the Navier-Stokes equations. It discusses Newton linearization of a nonlinear PDE and introduces calculation of point and boundary functionals.